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- Nationallizenzen DFG-Projekt
- First World War, The
- Acta Sanctorum
- African Writers Series
- Aristoteles Latinus Database
- Art Sales Catalogue online
- BioOne Online Journals 2009-2011 (Knowledge Exchange)
- China Academic Journals
- Cold War Intelligence
- COMINTERN Electronic Archives****OPEN ACCESS!****
- U.S. Declassified Documents Online (USDD)
- Deutschsprachige Frauenliteratur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, Teil I
- Digital National Security Archive
- Early American Imprints : Evans 1639-1800 (Series I) / EAI I
- Early English Book Online
- Education Week
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- English Language Women's Literature
- Europa Sacra
- Industry and higher education
- International journal of mobile and blended learning
- Library of Latin Text
- Making of Modern Law : Legal Treatises 1800-1926 (MOML 1)
- EBSCOhost E-Book Collection früher Net-Library
- Nomos eLibrary
- Periodicals Archive Online
- Periodicals Index Online
- Periodicals Contents Index
- The Times Digital Archive (TDA) 1785-1900
- U.S. Intelligence on Europe 1945-1995
- Ut per litteras apostolicas
- Wales related Fictions of the Romantic Period
- Walter de Gruyter Online-Zeitschriften
- World Biographical Information System (WBIS online)
- Zeitschriften Nationallizenz Walter de Gruyter
- Nationallizenzen DFG-Projekt
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